Wednesday, May 20

If all the Raindrops were Lemondrops and Gumdrops

For weary travelers the rain is a welcome blessing. It rinses the dust of their travels, refreshing them and giving them renewed straight for the rest of their journey.
 But then, as the rain continues to pour down, the traveler who was thankful for the rain now sees it as a curse. 
It's soaking them to the bone. 
Everything they have is being washed clean.
 As the water soaks and cleans their what they carry on their back it becomes heavy...begging to be left on the side of the road. Yet, no matter how heavy it gets they don't want to put it down. It's the only thing that they see as truly theirs. 

So instead of letting go of the heavy baggage, they curse the rain which used to be such a blessing. Why such a change? How did the rain go from a blessing to the curse? Because that weary traveler cared to much for his heavy baggage then feeling the true refreshing of the rain. He didn't want to let go of what he thought was matter how much it was slowing him down. Have you ever carried something wet? It becomes so heavy and weighs you down. You start to stumble under the wait, especially if the ground is slick or rocky.

How many people are like that traveler? 
Wanting God in all his glory, yet when his glory makes all their baggage become uncomfortable they don't want anything to do with him.  They are too attached to it. No matter if it's slowing down their progress, or increasing their chances of failing. They stumble around under the weight. To proud to let go. To proud to admit they can't do it. The are too proud. Telling God they'll get there their own way.
 Matthew  7:14 says 
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it"
It is impossible to journey with the drenched baggage weighing you down. How would you fit through the narrow gate?

If only that weary traveler would drop that soaked baggage that is weighing him down and let the the glory of God, like that rain...refresh him and make him completely whole. All it takes is dropping that baggage. Dropping the pride. Letting God make him clean...And then...they would feel a refreshing like none other

"Standing outside with my mouth open wide.....oh what a rain that would be"

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